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SQL: Standard Query Language

There are (at least) two roles for a modern database:

  1. Running reports from your data
  2. Making user experiences dynamic and interesting

I would argue that the tension between both of these perspectives is the cause of a great deal of innovation in the world of software engineering over the course of my lifetime. This tension brought us REST APIs, ORMs, Active Directory, MonogoDB, GraphQL, Firebase, and probably all of the Javascript Frameworks.

I would say that the way we are using Firebase is entirely about dynamic user experiences, and the origins of SQL are entirely in running reports. When you go to query firebase for report generation you will have pain, and when you go to make real-time dynamic user experiences using SQL you will have pain.

SQL is the Spreadsheet of Databases.

Learning SQL

Alright, so how do we get started? I'm going to write down the key ideas here as my narrative roadmap:

There is more to say than I want to make detailed examples for so I'm going to fill in gaps using my voice, be sure to check out the recorded lecture if you're visiting this page after the fact.

Intro to SQL Basics

Head over to and let's explore the Demo.

The WHERE clause: Filtering the Results

Try to predict what you will see when you run these commands, and once you have the right mental model make your own commands and predict until you're always right.

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id=1

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id<5

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id<>5

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo where Hint like "%table_name%";

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id<>5 ORDER BY ID desc

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id<>5 ORDER BY ID desc LIMIT 0, 3

Run the query: SELECT * FROM demo WHERE id<>5 ORDER BY ID desc LIMIT 1, 3

The SELECT clause: Styling the results

Try to predict what you will see when you run these commands, and once you have the right mental model make your own commands and predict until you're always right.

Run the query: SELECT ID, Name FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT Hint, ID, Name FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT ID as farts, Name FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT 3, 5, 6 FROM demo Note the number of rows

Run the query: SELECT "hi",1337,2 FROM demo WHERE id=1 Note the number of rows

Run the query: SELECT id, Name, "hi" FROM demo WHERE id<=5 Note the number of rows

Aggregating The Data

Run the query: SELECT count(ID) FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT count(Name) FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT count(ID) FROM demo WHERE id <=5

Run the query: SELECT AVG(ID) FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT SUM(ID) FROM demo

Run the query: SELECT SUM(ID) FROM demo WHERE ID <= 5 GROUP BY ID % 5

Run the query: SELECT SUM(ID) FROM demo GROUP BY ID % 5

Find more of that at:

Same Ideas Different Database

Download the sqlite3 database: and upload it to be sure to run your commands with LIMIT 0,1 at the end.

Explore a bit and then find me all of the anagrams of "PIRATES"

A Pure SQL Flag

Grab flag.db

Probably this is where we stop...

But you never know

SQLi via Homemade CTF Experience

OK, so rather than make a lecture I built a very insecure chat-app. The goal is to play with three styles of SQL injection attacks:

Live Site

So the first stage is to go to and start using it normally. Register an account, make some messages, get a feel.

Then hack at it. Try not to look at source code yet.

If the app gets too monkeyed or there is too much server lag then let me know I can start several or have you start your own.

You'll need to google around, of course, good luck!

Task 1: Login as AndyNovo without access to his password.

Task 2: Create messages under pseudoAndy's name.

Task 3: Get all usernames and passwords to display on your screen.

Task 4: Find the flag (format is ninja{l33t_sp3a4k_h3r3}).

I'll be giving several micro lectures/hints, and reseting the DB every now and again. DO NOT USE A REAL PASSWORD WHEN REGISTERING.


If the attacker has the ability to manipulate queries which are sent to the database, then they’re able to inject a terminating character too. The aftermath is that the interpretation of the query will be stopped at the terminating character:

SELECT body FROM items WHERE id = $ID limit 1;

Let’s assume that the attacker has sent via the GET method the following data stored in variable $ID:

"1 or 1=1; #"

In the end the final query form is:

SELECT body FROM items WHERE id = 1 or 1=1; # limit 1;

After the # character everything will be discarded by the database including “limit 1”, so only the last column “body” with all its records will be received as a query response.

Concept 0: Detecting SQLi

There are a series of "payloads" you can try, and if any of them give a different kind of error than the others, you might be finding some SQLi. Now a lot of the time the SQLi is in server-side code so you're looking for your distinct errors in the AJAX response data. But with PHP they are often one and the same which makes it easier to concentrate on the principles.

Here are some of the detection payloads:

Again you need to detect ANY DIFFERENCE between any of these payloads and normal text.

Concept 1: Imagine (or just read) the Source Code

Let's say your intention is to bypass a login. Then imagine (or google) an SQL query used for validating a credential.

That query is probable something like SELECT count(id) FROM auth_data WHERE username="PARAM1" and credentials="PARAM2" then if it found any result it'll validate the user as someone it knows.

The essence of the vulnerability is unsanitized input strings being concatenated directly into executed code.

Concept 2: Learn the comment character (Back to normal behavior)

Now that you've got a vague sense of the type of command being run (SELECT or UPDATE with a payload or just a true/false) we have to be able to NOT cause an error. The key to this is knowing the comment character.

For most SQLs it is -- but for some it is # also common is // or /* stuff here */ and exotic one is %00

Note that sometimes you can figure out which database vendor they are using and that knowledge helps you craft the right type of query.

In essence if you can 1) GET AN ERROR then add a comment character and now 2) NOT GET AN ERROR then you can start crafting your perfect payload.

Concept 3: Craft your ideal query

Now take a step back from the constraints of your injection point and just imagine what the (or several possible) exact string(s) you would want SQL to execute could be.

For instance, knowing that I want to bypass an authentication I want a query that returns at least one row. So something like SELECT stuff FROM users WHERE username="admin"-- could let me login as admin by removing the password/credential check.

Or I could aim for something less specific like SELECT stuff FROM users WHERE username="idontcare" OR 1=1-- so it won't filter anything.

If your goal is to leak information we'll use some more powerful commands that I'll show you after another round of SQL education.

Concept 4: Design your payload to match your ideal

Now you've got a vague idea of where the payload will go, how it must end, and what your target query statement looks like. So now you can test your guesses/intuition and make the ideal.

So for bypassing auth in our terrible chat you can either know a username or login as the first user:

Let's look at some generic payloads for "fuzzers": PayloadsAllTheThings on Github

Next Level SQL: JOINs and UNIONs

Now to take your attacks to the next level you'll need to learn a few more SQL concepts.

In SQL database design there is a tendency to have EVERY PIECE OF DATA IN ONE PLACE ONLY.

As a result they will have many tables and the queries must combine them.

Here is a demo database with many tables, let's play with it in a few ways: uni.db

Here are the tools:

I'm out of time, so I'll show you UNIONS by hand.


Go to and solve problem 1

Master Table Info Across Vendors

In SQLite3 the table with all of the table definitions is sqlite_master and it has the columns I most care about in name,sql,type where I want type='table'

This is a flag I made last year find the flag.

In MySQL the equivalent is in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS which has columns: COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, TABLE_NAME there are many INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables worth poking around in .

In Postgres it is pg_tables docs here:

In Oracle it is SYS.TABLES and SYS.COLUMNS docs here:

Preventing SQLi

So the TLDR is to used prepared statements to sanitize your inputs (Bobby Tables) but there are various strategies for that:

In PHP use prepared statements combined with $stmt->execute(["key"=>"value"]) or $stmt->bindParam(":key","value")

Here is my "fixed" CTF challenge: take a look and poke at it.

In Node the equivalent is similar: connection.query('INSERT INTO users SET ?', post, ...

Under the hood of these solutions is escaping characters in the input text.

In general when you go to write such a thing, you have generally two philosophical directions:

It is surprisingly difficult to implement your own version of either of those solutions, but to show you why you pretty much have to solve CTF problems because when you start a good problem you look at it and think, "yeah I could see myself writing that" then getting afraid because you don't know what the vulnerability is. As you find your way through the

problem you will add yet another trick to your toolbelt and another intuition to the ways that we need humility in cyber. Here are some classic PHP Jail problems:

Flavors of SQL Injection

So we've seen it for bypassing login, extracting excess data, and learning the structure of the whole database.

Some other flavors that I've seen:

Stored SQLi (Second-Order SQLi)

This is normally when you store something, in storage, your cookies, their DB, etc. and the actual attack takes place later when they go to use that data. Same idea but a different set of surfaces you're attacking.

HW2: Try problem 4.

Blind Injection

Try the PortSwigger Notes on Blind SQL