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Last Class

My goal was to try to improve your life, 10 years from now, as much as I could during our brief time together. I sincerely hope it plays out that way. The relationships that have formed through this work have been enjoyable for me. Feel free to stay in touch via DMs, maybe LinkedIn, maybe consider visiting the CTF team some time in the future. As you start your careers just remember: the world works when cash is gratitude (and doesn't when it's not). So figure out how to create gratitude through your gifts and work out how to shape your career into one where this maxim holds. Build real things for real people and on the cyber side "POC or GTFO".

Our Journey:

I like to look back at the what we've touched on, I won't say mastered/learned because this is web, it's a shotgun. I don't expect mastery of everything, but awareness of many things, and the meta-cognition to pick up anything.

What's missing?
