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Cloud and AWS

So every once in a while you need to kill a day exploring all of the crazy things out there. I think it helps you keep your ear to the pulse of where things are. Now the main headlines mark a certain pace to history:

computing machines, mainframes, video games, personal computers, networking, http, browsers, php, ajax, cloud, nodejs, jquery, angular, react, blockchain, chatGPT

It's nice to poke around at these new baby ideas, but probably more important to check in on the teenager ideas, and hire the young adult ideas.

So once a year I like to walk through, somewhat aimlessly, the latest AWS offerings.

But first, tinkertoys

Cloud providers have a weird Silicon Valley style relationship with each other and their products. The result is that Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud all end up with copies of the same things and often have versions that are variations of previous ideas attempting to rebrand and keep with trends without killing old products (well Google not so much:

So building with AWS feels a bit like building with Legos, there are many ways to accomplish things all with pros and cons. So here are some results from googling "AWS stack":

Alright one of those was an example stack for a "streaming service", let's dive deeper:

Wonka's Factory

Let's poke around at the services for a bit


I'm particularly fond of lambdas and the serverless world, so let's make one of those:

We'll do a demo:

Here is today's flag BTW:

Hosting with s3?

You can use s3 as a github pages / firebase hosting style CDN

Demo? Make a bucket, do weird permissions stuff, get an index.html in there

OK another flag

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